Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Working From Home - Deciding to Quit Your Job and Start Your Own Home Based Business

I gave up my job in 2006, after being online for about six months. Whenever it is a holiday weekend here in the United States, I am reminded of the change this has made in my life. On the Friday before a three day weekend I would work harder than I did during the previous few weeks. There was so much to catch up with, and the idea of having some time off motivated me to work even harder.

Then I would be so tired I would go home and go to bed right after supper. On Saturday morning I would finally have some free time, but most of the people I knew were not available to go anywhere or do anything because they were living their lives in the same way. I would usually just talk with then on the phone, and then go to the movies by myself. I also worked a second job during this time, so the most I could take off was the Saturday, and then I had more work to do for the remainder of the weekend.

This seems like such a sad story, but it is the way many people continue to live their day to day lives. They work many hours at jobs they do not enjoy, just so they can have a day or two off once in awhile. When they do have some time off, there is little money to do anything more than what they could do when they were young adults.

It does not have to be this way. You can decide to live a different kind of life and enjoy your free time in a much more exciting way. My choice was to start my own business and work from home on my computer. The first year was extremely difficult, but I knew it would be worth it in the long run. Take a look at what you are currently doing each day. If you no longer enjoy it and do not make enough money to have some fun when you have time off, maybe a change in career is right for you.

Remember that the reason to start an Internet business is to give you the time and money to live the life you choose. Download a Free Report on '10 Steps To Starting Your Online Business at Get Started Online and get started right away.
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